Doxa Canada Ministries is the beginning of a long time dream of helping people to connect to the tremendous value and esteem God has for each of them.
Doxa Canada Ministries is about effectively engaging people in the realities of God. We are here to help others discover God’s Doxa which is found through the Gospel. This will be accomplished through this website, partnering with other ministries, hosting conferences and seminars, making available effective tools and teaching material, and ministering to groups and individuals as opportunities arise.
Ted van Diepen is a graduate of Impact International School of Ministry with a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology. He and his wife Bev live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, with their three children.
What Does Doxa Mean?
A number of pages in the Greek Lexicon are devoted to defining the word doxa. It is described in powerful images of splendor, majesty, brightness, light, and radiance. It is usually translated glory, but when doxa is brought down to its simplest terms, it is defined as view or opinion. When speaking about God’s glory, we are speaking of all this splendor, majesty and radiance as a picture and manifestation of God’s view and opinion. God’s view and opinion is in fact reality. What God sees and perceives is reality; what you and I see and perceive is only at best our perception of reality. Our perception is limited to our perspective.
The Bible is God’s written view and opinion of reality. It helps us perceive the reality around us in terms of God’s perspective. His perspective is that through the death, burial, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ the issue of sin has been dealt with. No longer does God relate to us in terms of sin, but in terms of faith or trust in the finished work of Jesus. Jesus’ sacrifice has completely appeased God’s wrath toward us. God is asking us to put aside our own view and opinion and accept His view and opinion. To the degree that we let go of our view and opinion and accept God’s view and opinion, to that degree we will experience the quality of life that God intended for us to enjoy.
His view and opinion is that He adores us, He esteems us, He holds us in high regard. So much so that He sacrificed His own Son to become our sin and suffer the penalty for that sin. He was punished and cursed instead of us. When we put our trust in what Jesus has done for us, the Bible tells us that we are in Christ.
Being in Christ means that we have been made righteous, acceptable to God. In Christ, we have been qualified for all the promises of God. In Christ, He sees us as His sons and daughters who are joint heirs with Jesus of the inheritance from God. There is nothing we lack, he has provided for everything we need. In Jesus we have been healed, made whole, blessed with every blessing, prospered, and set apart. We are the pearl of great price that God sold everything to possess.
As a matter of fact, the Bible tells us that “if you confess with your mouth that ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” Romans 10:9-10 NIV.
The term saved means so much more than just going to heaven. It speaks of being saved, healed, blessed, set apart, made whole, prospered, and so much more. It is talking about being saved from our slavery to destructive behaviour; being healed from the emotional poison that has been slowly destroying us; being set apart as someone that God sees as special to Him; being made whole emotionally, physically, and mentally; and prospering in such a way that you no longer feel that you are lacking in any area of your life.
Your views and opinions have not brought you the quality of life you thought it would bring you, but God’s can. Confessing Jesus as Lord is speaking of putting your trust in Him, His wisdom, His view and opinion and following Him. Your whole experience of life will change when you accept God’s doxa and yield to His leadership because you will begin to see reality from God’s point of view.
Doxa Canada Ministries is fully committed to communicate this Good News to the people of Canada in fresh and relevant ways.
Please visit our “Contact Us” page for more on how you can participate with Doxa Canada Ministries.