Jesus was called “The Word of God!” In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John 1:1-5)
Jesus was the embodiment of all that God had ever spoken. He came to reveal God to us. Man had so twisted his image of God into legalistic concepts and it seems that even when they grasped the application of a truth they failed to comprehend the motivation and logic behind the truth. Jesus came to clear up the misconceptions about God! Everything He did — how He handled every situation — was a reflection of the character and nature of God the Father.
The English translation for “word” comes from the Greek word “logos.” Logos has a depth of meaning; however, somehow in recent Church thought the richness of the word became watered down to simply mean “the written Word of God.” But logos is far more than the written Word of God; in fact, that would be the least aspect of its meaning. It is the Word of God made alive in human form. Logos has more to do with all the word emerges from: the character, the integrity, the reasoning, the logic, the wisdom, and the very nature of God! Jesus was all that God was, all that God thought, and all that God desired to express to man!
When we look at Jesus we grasp the core of God and His intention for man. I have come that they might have life and have it to its fullest. (Jn. 10:10) That wasn’t God’s intention that emerged into reality in the New Covenant; that has been His intention all along. Every word that God uttered and every action He undertook was for our good! He did not change from the Old to the New Covenant. He is the Lord God; He never changes! And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord and His statutes which I command you today for your good? (Deut. 10:12-13) Everything has always been for our good!
The self-righteous legalist thinks he or she is doing things for God! God doesn’t need anything from us. What He desires is for us to trust Him and walk in His ways so that we can live an incredible quality of life. And as we experience this life by trusting and following His wisdom we will turn our hearts toward Him in full love. He loves us and He showers us with blessings, He gives us the wisdom and logic that was at the heart of creation. He reveals the secrets of eternity with us because He loves us. His ultimate desire is that we love Him and enter into a relationship with Him through the Lord Jesus.
God’s Word is a roadmap for the abundant life. The word “command” could be translated as “authoritative prescription.” It is not only the cure for what ails us; it is the prevention from what would destroy us. Gos-pill is our medicine. In the Book of Psalms God revealed an incredible insight into something that religion has missed since time began. For every beast of the forest is Mine, And the cattle on a thousand hills. I know all the birds of the mountains, And the wild beasts of the field are Mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell you; For the world is Mine, and all its fullness. (Ps. 50:10-12) He is trying to make His children understand, “I don’t NEED your sacrifices. If I were hungry I would kill something and eat it for myself.” In other words, those sacrifices were not for God they were for mankind. It did not meet a need in Him, but if done in love and faith it would have met a need in the presenter!
At the core of God’s nature, at the very root of His character and identity, we must know above all things that “God is love!” He has other attributes and expressions of who He is but none of them can be properly interpreted or trusted until you know and trust that all His actions are motivated by His love, His incredible value for mankind! This is a God you can trust. This is a God you will follow! This is a God to whom you will give your heart, soul, mind, and body! This is a Lord you can submit to! This is Word that is not burdensome.
The Word was made flesh so we could see what God really looked like in human form. Since all things were created by and through this logos we know this to be the underlying factor, the bringing together, the organizing wisdom, and the holding together of all things. This logic of love is the life of men. Connecting to God’s core identity connects us to life in all its forms. It is the secret to all we hope and desire. It is the light that gives understanding to all that exists.
Because God has revealed His nature through His Word, He has modeled what it would look like through the life of Jesus, and He gave the ultimate gift through the crucifixion, we can know what no other religions, science, or philosophy knows. We can live in quietness, confidence, and peace. We can know God (experience His love in every organ of our body, in our mind, in our heart, and in our every capacity to experience) and in knowing Him we can know life at its best!
(This article is based on the philosophies found in the teaching series Knowing and Feeling the Love of God and the soon to be released teaching series Identity, Self-image, and Self Worth)
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